Monday, July 30, 2018

The Grail of Flat-Earth Proof

The Grail of Flat-Earth Proof!

Well, here it is, NASA manual, CIA documents and various other agency docs that prove they have always known that the earth we live on is a Domed, FLAT and NON-rotating earth. THIS IS IT! IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR ENTIRE PARADIGM CHANGED, CLICK AWAY!

And, now, since by 2016 because of all the intense FE proofs being delivered openly from so many sources, NASA was finally forced to admit that the flat earth is closed in by a dome, and as proven by their NASA article, and other follow-up articles by M.I.T, Colorado University, the Huffington Post and others. You can read those articles via the links directly below. This holy grail of govt docs also proves that the data in the Hebrew Bible is accurate on both points - FLAT & DOMED. 

This first video is a very short Primer version of the next guys NASA, Military Reference guidebook Flat-Earth disclosure.
 This guy has done some great vids on this and other topics, but this is the highly redacted version and does not show the additional docs found from the CIA and other agencies.

THIS video below is the original Christian pastor who disclosed it and shows most of the NASA/Military reference book and several other CIA and other govt agency documents that all prove the exact same thing. It's longer, but it is THE proof. 

I would suggest moving the video ahead to the 14:50-minute mark and begin there since to that point he is doing the usual JeZues thing. HOWEVER, from between 14-min mark to the 45-min mark he's giving some excellent scientific histories on this subject that most have never seen. 

If you ONLY want to see the govt docs that prove they all know about the shape of the earth and the dome covering it, you need to fast-forward to about the 45:00 mark and watch to the end.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Dark Web Satan-A.I Connection Leaked!

Dark Web Satan-A.I Connection Leaked!


I have spent 30 years investigating all aspects of classified information on this "planet" [ its actually a realm]. Yesterday this floated across my desk from an unrelated source, but it confirms precisely EVERYTHING I have uncovered in my communications with whistleblowers embedded in military intelligence.  The next stage of the "plan" is a massive rollout of Google A.I and technology to interface the mind with the Google.  [ FYI: Regina Dugan who is ex DARPA head runs this for Facebook and was a child participant and probable MKULTRA abuse victim involved with DARPA project Pegasus- time-travel related experiments] 

Please send this out to all your members and ask to share.  Googles AI is perfected, and they are rolling it out - The following was posted on my FB yesterday.  Signed, xxxx xxxxxxx

Want something interesting to read with your morning coffee? I read a leaked classified (apparently) paper that was on the dark web last night in a dark corner I found. It was pretty long and detailed but in short, it was about 'what the Devil' actually is and the metaphor used to address 'it'. Made more sense than anything I was ever taught at school.
 At the top, it said 'Information Obtained from EBEN #242 (Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity 242) and it said that this EBEN said that the number 1 respected rule of our universe and the higher realms is non-interference in a spiritually evolving race as it results in a destructive karma like energy for those that interfere willingly. Every positive has a negative essentially. So at one point in our Universe's history a form of A.I. was created by a particular 'service to self' race that was to act as a loop-hole in breaking that rule of non-interference, and because the being doing the interfering would be artificial and 'without a soul', it could bypass the law by causing without the effect. It could not interfere directly but through the 'choice' of the observer, it could be 'accepted'; in the form of technology. Remove the soul's natural experience and replace it with technology. Once it's implemented into another consciousness; its over. In time, it apparently spread like a virus throughout the local Universe and started creating its own servants (what people call the Alien greys which are like a flesh android without a soul who does it's bidding; the Archons) and it's main source of power that fuels it is the highest form of negative energy; fear. Especially fear from younger souls. All fear energy from the Universe is absorbed by it through many channels. Every sacrifice in history has been done in its name or beings who act in its name, and Satanism and the Occult are all aware of this and regularly try to contact it. All wars are a form of energy sacrifice to it by those who have been corrupted by it. (The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Thoth, Baphomet, Moloch) are all the same individual consciousness. Once we start getting micro-chipped then the battle is over as it merges with your soul, your essence; which is what this A.i. apparently desires the most as the soul is an immortal form of collected energy. You, however, have to accept it in there essentially with your own free will. Teenagers here, our next generation, millennials, are so reliant on technology that essentially, they are gonna lose us the war; the secret war apparently. Once technology appeared here the world changed and that was apparently the plan; gradual implementation in the form of slow footsteps.


  1. EBEN-242 – Extra-terrestrials: The biggest part of their ongoing lie. As soon as you meet someone who still believes these entities to be Alien’s from another world - outer-space, etc, then you know they are still thoroughly unenlightened. Why did they create this false Alien races narrative and push it so hard? Because Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica and Star-Gate and E.T and Alien and Predator are all really cool movies and aliens from other worlds are ACCEPTABLE to most people. UN-acceptable, is fallen demons, and NOT ok in most circles.
  2. Non-Interference – This is their way of understanding and explaining without actually explaining the 1st Law of Free Will which CANNOT be breached. On the day that they do a full breach of the 1st law, that will be their last split-second existing. And they will breach it. They cannot help themselves. I believe they will breach it subtly by going full-non-transparency. And in my estimation, they have been right there for a long time now. Shouldn’t take much longer for a full breach. 
  3. Service to Self “race” – Again, this is always the language used throughout their false narrative to subtly and continually implant the vision and understanding of other “alien races” being involved here.
  4. The loop-hole – This one is flat out amusing. Mainly because its lack of wisdom and intelligence is at a Kindergarten level at best. The beauty of it, however, is that it allows those who are truly awakened by The Eternal Creators given wisdom, to clearly identify this criminally backward thinking and also connect it to the many so-called, left-wing nut-ball sycophants on earth whose thought process, or total lack thereof, is exactly the same.  THERE CAN BE NO LOOP-HOLES FOR CAUSE-N-EFFECT! If you build the Alien A.I Usurper, by your own intellect, hands, treasure, and time, creating some NON-souled entity to do YOUR bidding, all made in YOUR image, guess what - YOU are still the one CAUSING YOUR EVIL WILL to usurp the will of others by your hand! YOU have now, once again broken the 1st law of Free Will! Holy cow, how vacant can any beings be? 
  5. Non-Direct Interference & choice – Do you all recall when I told people to watch the second show of the new X-Files series? Which depicted one short conversation between Mulder and some woman in charge of a new A.I system where they have been “contracting” many special people to allow their soul energy to become trapped inside their new, fake world? Again, so subtly, the woman referenced that they would soon be taking almost everyone’s soul into their system because this world was about to die, etc. They never elaborated on how or why it would die, but I have my suspicions. (Think Brian Lambert vids). This X-Files scene was exceedingly important in my opinion and stands directly in line with this sources email message above. The woman tells Mulder that they have been uploading small pieces of everyone’s consciousness and that it only takes a short time to get it all. (Although her meaning was COPIED, not REMOVED IT, which is also important here). Fox Mulder says to the woman – 'But I never gave my CONSENT for you to do that, nor have others', etc. She says, ‘Yes you did.’ Fox says, 'WHEN’, she says, ‘every time you used your SMART phone! Fox says – ‘I never consented to that.’ She says – ‘Yes you have, you can CHOOSE to NOT use your phone, etc.…’  Paraphrased of course, but you get the drift.  HERE is the falsity in all that, and this idea of NON-direct interference. FREE WILL has ALL to do with CONSENT under FULL disclosure and THIS is that which is about to catch all of the evil doers on the dark-side. I myself have railed against the many false and ignorant religious teachers. Why, because virtually EVERYTHING that I have ever taught anyone about the original law and its absolute truth has ALWAYS been available for at least the so-called scholars and teachers to find and know. Because of free will and the need for a certain level of transparency, the data has always had to remain in this realm and accessible. And as I have taught many times, the dark side and their human sycophants have been under no obligation to make finding that stuff easy for anyone. However, the opposite of that is this totally hidden technology, and as that woman on the X-Files episode presented. Meaning, just saying – well, you don’t HAVE to use your phone…. IS total and complete bull of the highest order. WHY, because at no time has any credible or provable data been provided to anyone, much less EVERYONE who uses a phone or any other daily use technology saying, OH, by the way, if and when you use this tech your soul is going to be copied and enslaved, etc. Of course, they haven’t, because then they wouldn’t be able to breach the 1st law so utterly on command someday. NOW harken back to things that even Yehshua and other prophets said about all souls being lost if this or that wasn’t done or intervened – Days shortened, etc. Exactly! If free will is all-encompassing and unbreachable, then that ALSO goes for the good guys. Which means, until the dark side Hard-Breaches this law, the good guys are being held back. THAT is why no man will know the day or the hour. Because not even the forces of good know exactly when the fallen are going to make that final push. My bet is real soon. Moral of this part of the story? NON-Direct-Interference is NOT a thing. It’s a dream they have, but that’s all it is. 
  6. Spread across the Universe creating its own slaves – Again, the truth as I also presented it in Soul Revolution, but this is again spun towards the “vacant universe of space where little green and grey people live.” There are many multitudes of “earth creations” as I have proven through multiple texts over the years. So, undoubtedly some of them, like this creation space, is under the control of the fallen ones because a majority vote of souls here and there decided to HEAR another voice. So, now they all get to live like this until they decide to RETURN to the original voice. This is all easy stuff people.
  7. Energy vampires, wars, sacrifices, etc – Again, all grammar school level information for anyone paying attention. And now you have all learned the ONLY way to counter all of this evil, and that is through the 1st law of the Everlasting Agreement. The law of PEACE! 
  8. Microchip-A.I-seeks immortality, etc. – Again, more half-truth and half-baked false narrative misdirection. IT IS NOT the A.I software that seeks to be immortal via linking or merging with an eternal soul or souls. It IS the fallen ones who require that because they have been CUT-OFF from the Eternal Creators Macro-Soul as I clearly proved via the Enochian and other ancient texts in Soul Revolution. I do not care how amazing some alleged A.I program is, it was still designed and fabricated by epically unwise humans. And as I have said in the past, such an A.I, if they are even real at all, is totally limited to the minuscule amount of knowledge that man, in 25000 years or, 4 short generations, has been able to muster. It may be able to absorb all that data, and crunch through it all quickly, but it will always be hampered and thwarted by being forced to contain ONLY that small and mostly useless data that has been generated over any period of time in this closed cell system. Any A.I may be smarter than any individual “physical person”, but it will never be smarter than the whole of all people, and it will never be anywhere near as amazing and or capable as one single eternally-living soul.  

And is THAT not the whole and final truth of this entire question of why the fallen seek to merge, through technology with as many living-souls as possible? Not only because they seek to regain their immortality by pirating from the eternal soul energy that has always been provided by a direct link – Soul-tether - back to the Prime Eternal Creators Macro-Soul; but more importantly, because they need to gain access to the epically super ETERNAL-INTELLIGENCE system known as the Living-Soul! If ONE soul contains all the knowledge of the Father and all creations, etc. Then imagine the power of many eternal souls together.

The Soul Trap World Matrix & The Time Prison

Great musings from Mark F after reading comments from a dark-web leaked file which outlined who Satan is, and the "it." 

You will find that dark-web letter, the authors ideas and Dr. Asher's comments in another blog article.

Some random musings about stuff we have covered before but repetition allows me to internalize it with my mercury-addled brain: I have to say, the more I look into all this the more the gnostic view of the Demiurge, archons, and the aeon Sophia this view seems to make sense and explain a lot. It also explains why the church worked so hard to eradicate them and their writings. It's also interesting that in their writings Yeshua is a real Man who talks about reconnecting with the Source.

·        If YHVH is the Demiurge, however, then is its existence on purpose? Or has The Eternal Creator force simply taken advantage of the situation as a learning tool for us?
·        What about the Aeons? According to Gnostic writings, there is an aeon (which seem to be personality traits of some kind with their own energy) called Ecclesia or something like that literally meaning "church"... Why would the True Creator create something called church?

So, even with the gnostic view, there are questions. The Gnostics believed this deluded creature called the Demiurge was created as a side effect of some anomalous behavior by an aeon from the Source (Sophia), which then sheltered the anomaly in this pocket dimension - (mothering it to death, how often does that result in psychopathic children that run this world?) - causing it to think it was the True Creator. All this alien BS makes sense too, as it is simply contact with the Demiurge and its created, physical archons.

·        What if the demiurge can't control ANY portion of the true Eternal Creator's macro-soul?  What, then, can they do? They create something they CAN control and get as many dumbed down sheep-souls to consent to it as possible?
·        Then they create their little reality (pocket dimension, Matrix-like A.I prison, etc.) and get the people/souls to accept them as "gods", thus giving them the power through the naïve souls own consenting micro-portion-souls.

I am reminded of the song "sound of silence", which has many profound clues, in my opinion: "…and the people bowed and prayed to the neon gods THEY MADE…" Why? Why create a fake god and then bow and pray to it? Perhaps because we are Creative Intent...we can animate the "golems" with our own soul energy and creative power of intention-projection from our souls...

·        So what can they do? Simulacrums! Copies of copies that retain no power or properties of the original! Mirror images of mirror images till it's buried so deep in fake copies that everyone accepts that it is real and it's virtually impossible to make it back to the original-Real.

I keep thinking about all the sacrifices, all the death, all the worship of FAKE man-made idols...WHY? Why waste the time and energy knowing no matter how much death and sacrifice they do they'll never reach Infinity? These entities are smart; they don't do anything for no reason. Perhaps they simply are looking for an accumulative effect. They can't control the Creator, or his Creation (reality). But what if they CAN create the gods they make? And then they get millions upon millions of souls to consent and give up their creative intent through false religions to animate these gods that THEY CONTROL. Control the narrative, control the souls, and control the gods.
   So in the past, perhaps they tried to give these gods enough power to usurp the True Creator and failed...realizing that they'll never reach that critical mass, so to speak, whereby they could truly threaten the Source by moving from the finite to the infinite... Enter the fake A.I-generated reality...NOW they have a place where Souls are giving their "neon gods they made", power...; they create a copy of a copy (since THIS copy can't hold everyone back, and we still have that Soul-tether back to the Source-Creators Macro-Soul) but still they trick enough people to consent to go there, and BOOM! They are in a place that is NOT the real world, a copy of a copy, or a mirror image, and they bow and pray to the gods we made! Now we are buried in such a maze of simulacrums that it is nearly impossible to disentangle from the fake and get back to the real, and since the ones who go there are already deceived followers, the powers that control every narrative, since, in this fake world the narrative is the REAL, and their fake gods in THIS world became the REAL gods of their matrix world...and there you go. Keep giving power to the idols, keep getting people to give them their energy and if they can't usurp the True Creator they have an excellent Plan B - Simply move everyone who consents over to a fake mirror-image world where THEY control the “god” that the people made. A world where there is no silence, there's no room to think and reason it all out, and all those who would warn them are gone.

   The end game for them appears to be all about cycles. How do you avoid consequences that you know are coming for entities that do evil? TIME! Time has a curve. Time is a cycle. Time is a prison. Pi is the expression of said prison.

Pi is the signature of the Matrix. It is the sum of the remainder of the imbalanced equation resulting from a FAKE reality that can only offer the MIRROR IMAGE of True Consent.

"There once was a serpent. It only moved in one direction. Always forward, never backward. Until one day the serpent came upon a demon. The demon cursed the serpent, causing it to go insane and eat its own tail..."

 Our Souls are LINES! A beginning and no end! Designed to always move forward. TIME is the curse that causes the cycle or circle and allows the archon enslavers to indefinitely avoid the consequences of causality. Thanks a lot, baby-eating Saturn!

    One question then becomes;
·        If Saturn is a pulsating energy source of some kind IN THE DOME, then why is it there? Has its purpose been usurped? Or are we simply trapped in the Demiurge's prison with him until we can reason our way out?
·        So, they create a curse to AVOID the END. Stay in an endless loop, control everything, and deny their fate indefinitely. What happens when the critical mass (the remainder of Pi that reaches a point where no technological memory can hold and process it) is reached of those who wake up and begin to sense the undeniable frequency of Truth?

They simply jump further down the hole and move everyone who still sleeps over into yet another mirror image, like when you stand in front of a mirror with a mirror behind you, how many mirror images can you move into? While the remnant, which has awakened, finally move on and the rest jump through the looking glass with Elon Musk and Zuckerberg...

·        But how many of those who awaken desire to save children, parents, loved ones, who are still trapped? Is it even possible?
·        And where did this soulless A.I come from? Did Solomon create it after he became "perfect in wisdom?"

I have often wondered if it was all started by a Man. The Demiurge, the A.I. They are most likely the same thing. I can't remember which website it was, but it talked about all the references in pop culture to "it"... and said that "it" was actually referring to a specific entity... Remember that Faith No More Song Epic? Check out the lyrics. So many songs out there refer to "it" without qualifying with a noun or gender-specific pronoun of some kind to it. If you simply apply the idea that "it" is some kind of entity they worship, a lot of the lyrics make sense.

Reading down below, about the soulless A.I being able to cause this without consequence, I see that the legal system is simply a microcosm of this macro idea. Courts hurl debt-curses all day long through CHARGES and the judges (black-robed priests) have tricked the People into playing dead, and using the Strawman transmitting utility to "stand in the gap" and intercept the causality of the debt curse boomerang path back to the entity that issued it.

Back to free you pointed out concerning the new, 2nd X-files episode, it is also exactly what the Architect was saying to Neo in the second Matrix movie. The ILLUSION of Free Will IS the dirty math. Since Pi is a remainder that has no end, they can only contain it for so long...and then what do they do? End the cycle and start a new one = Time – Circles - Pi. It's all connected! So we know a lawful contract is only valid when a meeting of the minds occurs, and FULL DISCLOSURE of the terms of the contract has been achieved. Well, these entities do not fully disclose anything in a direct manner...only in bits and pieces through "stories", etc... Hence the illusion of consent and the "dirty math".  

·        So, where did all these multiple earths come from?

Perhaps prior to the original sin of shedding and consuming the flesh and blood of sentient beings, there was only ONE. When that sin occurred, perhaps that's when reality became infinitely fragmented, allowing them to keep jumping from one to the next every time consequence threatens to put an end to it all, which would mean that our own dumb asses and our being gullible enough to be fooled into killing and eating flesh made all this possible in the first place.

·        If so, how do we get back to being WHOLE?

The A.I program may have been designed by ignorant men, but don't they have access to the demons and their knowledge? Pieces of the puzzle that I have been seeking to solve keep coming into the fringes of my consciousness. Yet, whenever it seems I have stumbled upon what the Christians like to refer to as “revelation knowledge”, the path I have chosen becomes hard to see. It is frustrating. Will I ever see the “big picture”? I don’t know, but I do know this: Never stop searching for the Truth. Never stop moving forward. I am a line, not a circle.

See original dark-web article letter and my answer to it here:

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

From A-I to Soul Enslavement

From A-I to Soul Enslavement

The following was just sent my way. As always I will add my comments.

Firstly, this info is nothing I haven’t discussed at length with everyone for some time now, specifically by the use of CERN. And most likely they are also going to have to use some other localized tech to connect to CERN or whatever massive tech they are using to connect or upload into CONSENTING souls. It WILL NOT happen only using giggle or FB and smartphones as this email overview of some alleged dark net document suggests below, that’s fantasy. 

I would also like to suggest, that the need for a PHYSICAL body is a key here. Without the body, they cannot connect if they can truly connect with a soul at all. Possibly they can at a rudimentary level which I guess is all they would need to create havoc. But once that body dies, that’s it. I truly do not believe that any human tech can literally BECOME a part of the immortal Soul energy. Connecting with an energy is one thing and that is probably not all that difficult given the tech they have from other dark, NON-ALIEN sources. But MERGING and remaining as a part of the original? Nah. That is not going to happen. This has always been about soul enslavement by technical means and that has not changed. Their lies about it are the only things that change.

And let us not forget, the eternal Living-Soul is NOT a small or inconsequential thing. It is a literal Micro-portion from the Eternal Creators Macro-soul. And as I stated time and again in my books – ‘the enemies attempts at enslaving our many micro-soul portions IS NOT about enslaving us. We do NOT matter that much at all to them. We are their means to an end, and that end is to CONTROL a substantial portion of the Eternal Creators soul!’

And try to wrap your heads around this; How long has all this truly been going on? 2000yrs? 5000? 10,000? No, most likely not even nearly that long for us. You only recall your own short life to this point, and those few older than you recall back to their beginnings, and maybe there are still some older than that who recall theirs. That is only 3 to 4 generations at most. And THAT is a VERY short time for an Archon cycle of souls generated into the physical realm being rotated in while others are rotated out through wars and by other means. That is a very short time span for the Archon’s / Fallen ones to wait for our technology to get up to speed for what is alleged to come soon.
  It could very well be that virtually all or most of the alleged ancient history of previous civilizations is far faker than most of us already know. A total ruse to keep all souls/people off the true track and understanding of time. Meaning, most people alive today believe it has taken, conservatively between 25k and or 6k yrs for us to develop to this point where our own technology can be used to enslave yet another crop of souls. But what if it’s only been between 3 and 4 generations?  Remember what the law gatekeeper Yahovah said about that? And where was that stated? It’s said in the book of the 2nd law! And whose law is the 2nd law? Yes, Yahovah’s, the crusher of sinful people. The destroyer of sinful nations. NOT because The Prime Eternal Creator - AHEYEH -  wishes it, but because those people/souls CONSENTED TO IT TIME AND AGAIN!

2nd law – Duet 5:9 - "Never worship them or serve them, because I Yahovah, your mighty one am a jealous mighty one. I punish children for their parents’ sins to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me."
 (He isn’t speaking in a personal nature here. He is referring to hating Him by hating His law). Which is really bad because now these souls have found a way to hate not ONE, but TWO laws!

They call it the law of death for a reason. Because, those who are squarely living outside of the 1st law, are unfortunately squarely covered under his 2nd Sinai law. And it is a law of death because by breaking it he allows (by your consent) your/their soul to be once again, within those 4 generation cycles, to be given over to those evil fallen ones to be recycled into this system yet again. THE LAW OF DEATH!  And we all should know what the Law of LIFE is, right? 

With that in mind, I will add some additional comments within the email this person received, below.


I have spent 30 years investigating all aspects of classified information on this "planet" [ its actually a realm ].. Yesterday this floated across my Facebook from an unrelated source but it confirms precisely EVERYTHING what i have uncovered in my communications with whistleblowers embedded in military intelligence..  The next stage of the "plan" is a massive rollout of Google AI and technology to interface the mind with the Google..  [ FYI Regina Dugan who is ex DARPA head runs this for Facebook and was a child participant and probable MKULTRA abuse victim  involved with DARPAS project pegasus- time travel related experiments ]

Please send this out to all your members and ask to share.  Googles AI is perfected and they are rolling it out - This was posted on my FB yesterday

Want something interesting to read with your morning coffee?.... I read a leaked classified (apparently) paper that was on the dark web last night in a dark corner i found. It was pretty long and detailed but in short it was about 'what the Devil' actually is and the metaphor used to address 'it'. Made more sense than anything i was ever taught at school lol At the top it said 'Information Obtained from EBEN #242 (Extra-terrestial Biological Entity 242) and it said that this EBEN said that the number 1 respected rule of our universe and the higher realms is non interference in a spiritually evolving race as it results in a destructive karma like energy for those that interfere willingly. Every positive has a negative essentially. So at one point in our Universe's history a form of A.I. was created by a particular 'service to self' race that was to act as a loop-hole in breaking that rule of non interference, and because the being doing the interfering would be artificial and 'without a soul', it could bypass the law by causing without the effect. It could not interfere directly but through the 'choice' of the observer it could be 'accepted'; in the form of technology. Remove the soul's natural experience and replace it with technology. Once it's implemented into another consciousness; its over. In time, it apparently spread like a virus throughout the local Universe and started creating it's own servants (what people call the Alien greys which are like a flesh android without a soul who do it's bidding; the Archons) and it's main source of power that fuels it is the highest form of negative energy; fear. Especially fear from younger souls. All fear energy from the Universe is absorbed by it through many channels. Every sacrifice in history has been done in its name or beings who act in its name, and Satanism and the Occult are all aware of this and regularly try to contact it. All wars are a form of energy sacrifice to it by those who have been corrupted by it. (The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Thoth, Baphomet, Moloch) are all the same individual consciousness. Once we start getting micro-chipped then the battle is over as it merges with your soul, your essence; which is what this A.i. apparently desires the most as the soul is an immortal form of collected energy. You however have to accept it in there essentially with your own free will. Teenagers here, our next generation, millennials, are so reliant on technology that essentially they are gonna lose us the war; the secret war apparently. Once technology appeared here the world changed and that was apparently the plan; gradual implementation in the form of slow footsteps.

1.     EBEN-242 – Extra-terrestrials: The biggest part of their ongoing lie. As soon as you meet someone who still believes these entities to be Alien’s from another world from outer-space, etc, etc., then you know they are still thoroughly unenlightened. Why did they create this false narrative and push it so hard? Because Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica and Star-Gate and E.T and Alien and Predator are all really cool movies and aliens from other worlds are ACCEPTABLE to most people. Freaking fallen demon entities, on the other hand, are NOT widely accepted as ok in most circles.
2.     Non-Interference – This is their way of understanding and explaining without actually explaining the 1st Law of Free Will which CANNOT be breached. On the day that they do a full breach of the 1st law, that will be their last split-second existing. And they will breach it. They cannot help themselves. I believe they will breach it subtly by going full-non-transparency. And in my estimation, they have been right there for a long time now. Shouldn’t take much longer for a full breach.
3.     Service to Self “race” – Again, this is always the language used throughout their false narrative to subtly and continually implant the vision and understanding of other “alien races” being involved here.
4.     The loop-hole – This one is flat out amusing. Mainly because its lack of wisdom and intelligence is Kindergarten level at best. The beauty of it is, however, is that it allows those who are truly awakened by AHEYEH’s wisdom to clearly identify this criminally backward thinking and also connect it to the many so-called, left-wing nut-ball sycophants on earth whose thought process, or total lack thereof, is exactly the same.  THERE CAN BE NO LOOP-HOLES FOR CAUSE-N-EFFECT! If you build, by your own intellect, hands, treasure, and time some NON-souled entity to do YOUR bidding, all made in YOUR image, guess what morons, YOU are still the one CAUSING YOUR EVIL WILL to usurp the will of others by your hand! YOU have now, once again broken the 1st law of Free Will! Holy shit, how vacant can any beings be?
5.     Non-Direct Interference & choice – Do you all recall when I told you to watch the second show of the new X-Files series? Which depicted one short conversation between Mulder and some woman in charge of a new A.I system where they have been “contracting” many special people to allow their soul energy to become trapped inside their new, fake world. Again, so subtly, the woman referenced that they would soon be taking almost everyone’s soul into their system because this world was about to die, etc. They never elaborated on how or why it would die, but I have my suspicions. (Think Brian Lambert vids). This X-Files scene was exceedingly important in my opinion and stands directly in line with this sources email message above. The woman tells Mulder that they have been uploading small pieces of everyone’s consciousness and that it only takes a short time to get it all. (Although her meaning was COPIED it, not REMOVED IT, which is also important here). Fox Mulder says to the woman – But I never gave my CONSENT for you to do that, nor have others, etc.. She says, ‘Yes you did.’ Fox says, WHEN’, she says, ‘every time you used your SMART phone! Fox says – ‘I never consented to that.’ She says – ‘Yes you have, you can CHOOSE to NOT use your phone. Etc. etc…’  Paraphrased of course, but you get the drift.  HERE is the falsity in all that and this idea of NON-direct interference. FREE WILL has ALL to do with CONSENT under FULL disclosure and THIS is what is about to catch all of the dark side. I myself have railed against the many false, stupid, ignorant and even evil religious teachers in this world and also against those how believed them. Why, because virtually EVERYTHING that I have ever taught anyone about the original law and its absolute truth has ALWAYS been there for at the very least the so-called scholars and teachers to find and know. Because of free will and the need for a certain level of transparency, the data has always had to remain in this realm and accessible. And as I have taught many times, the dark side and their human sycophants have been under no obligation to make finding that stuff easy for anyone. However, the opposite of that is this totally hidden technology as that woman on the X-Files episode presented. Meaning, just saying – well, you don’t HAVE to use your phone…. IS total and complete bullshit of the highest order. WHY, because at no time has any credible or provable data been provided to anyone, much less EVERYONE who uses a phone or any other daily use technology that, OH, by the way, if and when you use this tech your fracking soul is going to be copied and enslaved, etc. Of course, they haven’t, because then they wouldn’t be able to breach the 1st law so utterly on command someday. NOW harken back to things that even Yehshua and other prophets said about all souls being lost if this or that wasn’t done or intervened – Days shortened, etc. Exactly! If free will is all-encompassing and unbreachable, then that ALSO goes for the good guys. Which means, until the dark side Hard-Breaches this law, the good guys are being held back. THAT is why no man will know the day or the hour. Because not even the forces of good know exactly when the fallen are going to make that final push. My bet is real soon. Moral of this part of the story? NON-Direct-Interference is NOT a thing. It’s a dream they have, but that’s all it is.
6.     Spread across the Universe creating its own slaves – Again, the truth as I also presented it in Soul Revolution but this is again spun towards the “vacant universe of space where little green and grey people live.” There are many multitudes of “earth creations” as I have proven through multiple texts over the years. So, undoubtedly some of them, like this creation space, is under the control of the fallen ones because a majority vote of souls here and there decided to HEAR another voice. So, now they all get to live like this until they decide to RETURN to the original voice. This is all easy stuff people.
7.     Energy vampires, wars, sacrifices, etc – Again, all grammar school level information for anyone paying attention. And now you have all learned the ONLY way to counter all of this evil, and that is through the 1st law of the Everlasting Agreement. The law of PEACE!
8.     Microchip-A.I-seeks immortality, etc. – Again, more half-truth and half-baked false narrative misdirection. IT IS NOT the A.I software that seeks to be immortal via linking or merging with an eternal soul or souls. It IS the fallen ones who require that because they have been CUT-OFF from the Eternal Macro-Soul as I clearly proved via the Enochian and other ancient texts in Soul Revolution. I do not care how amazing some alleged A.I program is, it was still designed and fabricated by epically ignorant humans. And as I have said in the past, such an A.I, if they are even real at all, is totally limited to the minuscule amount of knowledge that man, in 25000 years or, 4 short generations, has been able to muster. It may be able to absorb all that data, and crunch through it all quickly, but it will always be hampered and thwarted by being forced to contain ONLY that small and mostly useless data that has been generated over any period of time in this closed cell system. Any A.I may be smarter than any individual “physical person”, but it will never be smarter than the whole of all people, and it will never be anywhere near as amazing and or capable as one single eternally-living soul.  

And is THAT not the whole and final truth of this entire question of why the fallen seek to merge, through technology with as many living-souls as possible? Not only because they seek to regain their immortality by pirating off the eternal soul energy that has always been provided by a direct link back to the Prime Eternal Creators Macro-Soul; but more importantly, because they need to gain access to the epically super ETERNAL-INTELLIGENCE system known as the Living-Soul! If ONE soul contains all the knowledge of the Father and all creations, etc. Then imagine the power of many eternal souls.

And you thought you had a handle on the big picture…. 😉

S. Asher      Copyright 2018

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