Why they are allowed dominion over you!
Disobedience is Consent allowing other disobedient entities’
to have their way with this creation and all within it!
Although many people have difficulties parting with their
Western religious traditions and concepts, I would like to begin with an
Eastern concept that is prudent to keep in mind as you progress through this
document. The Sanskrit word, “loka” best translates to world, locality, or plane
of existence/consciousness. In Hindu cosmology this term is applied along with
“tala” to designate seven higher worlds and seven lower worlds. A search of Lokas
and Talas will reveal publically released internal FBI documents depicting
their explanation of alien entities along with their place of origin represented
by planes of consciousness on this earth. These files further contend that all
men must pass through some lokas/talas, except for the “Chela” (student of
Wisdom & love) who must pass through all on his way to Adept Wisdom in
apprenticeship to his Master/Teacher. This would explain those other entities
that interrupt and confuse the Free Will system of The Eternal Creator.
I have long indirectly hinted throughout my teachings and
books that no Hebrew texts uphold the specific idea/superstition that any
“angelic” type entities ever existed, who collectively broke away from The Eternal
Creator of all creations, deciding they could do better than HE. Furthermore,
no such created beings have been in direct war against The Eternal Creator and
His other obedient angelic entities, although these ideas have made for some
entertaining Hollywood movies. Yes, our
Hebrew texts do depict the existence of other entities having direct
interaction with men, I have long taught on the existence of “two voices”
existing throughout our texts, however, the majority of these entities have
been mistakenly depicted in our texts as the true Eternal Creator, and or His
messengers, when in fact in most cases this has been false assumption
generationally. Most Tanak stories of godly encounters have never been referring
to the true Eternal One or His Malakim (messengers) i.e., angelic beings,
but refer to a false god entity named YHVH. Either way no biblical entities
have been or remain to be some specially created ethereal entities who rebelled
in the devious ways that our ancient and modern superstitions guide most people
to deceptively believe. THIS may in fact be the greatest deception; the result
allowing most people to remain deluded and enslaved through their individual
and collective lack of knowledge. It sure seems to always make its way back
around to the Prophet Hoshea’s words, does it not?
Obedience to The Eternal One’s original and most minimal
instructions for all man and all entities in all creations, previously and
continually created by HIM, is required. This has been the foundation of my
understanding and teaching, which is that everything is and always has been
about obedience with nothing more. This is evident from the first man and woman
who equally decided to turn from The Eternal’s original mandate, and their
descendants have all been enslaved through our souls! The first man and woman
CONSENTED to hear an alternative voice from another entity. They further agreed
to listen to this voice rather than ignore it and walk away. Instead they
choose to continue on that course already possessing the knowledge of right
from wrong, evil/darkness from light/goodness as
it was created in day 1. Their consenting to another entity rather than The True Original
Eternal Creator resulted in the immediate removing of His presence and direct
communications from all men. From this time on, all future men must learn to
withhold their consent from those same dark chaotic entities who still hold
possession. However, in His merciful compassion The Eternal One sends His
benevolent workers to periodically reiterate His original instructions so that
they will never be totally unavailable. Since the first man and woman
consented, this left the dark entities free reign to take adverse possession of
this world, but hopefully only for a time as we are told through our many
prophets. During this time they have infiltrated other consenting men, using
them to change all original thought and understanding, thereby providing only
very small remnants of truth through highly misconfigured works we call
scriptures. These tainted texts with all manner of false superstitions
concerning man’s true origin were designed to further entrap and enslave us.
This is accomplished through our own consent to their lies and trickery.
The dark workers of this world, both man and beast-entities
from other parallel locations, have taken possession and continue to possess by
our individual and collective consent to their destructive nature. How
can this be, you ask? The Eternal Creator’s original and ongoing “Free Will”
system is where all of our individual and collective choices are made as I
outlined in “The Land of Meat and Honey”. These choices, most seemingly small, are the
direct cause of our individual and collective nations unfolding future. By this
the chaotic forces have found a myriad of ways to reteach man enough falsehoods
on a continual basis that we CHOOSE/CONSENT/AGREE/PERMIT to do their will every
waking moment while believing we are doing The True Eternal’s original Will! Again,
it should be understood that within every deception that these evil entities
present there is always a thread of truth, which is then recognized by an
individual and leads them to presume the entire duplicity to be authentic. Ultimately, this is their baited man trap!
“The Land of Meat and Honey” also explains that Free Will
cannot be Free Will if another entity of any kind has the ability to force you
unknowingly or knowingly to do their Will. In order for those chaotic entities
to keep what they stole, they needed to re-write The Eternal’s original
doctrine for man, this they use as a work-around for His Free Will system. This
is evident in how the false Judahite cult re-invented the existing pagan animal
blood sacrifice to be His atonement system. We often view our own ancient texts
as being the first augmented instructions used to gain access to enslave men
through fear and trickery. However, this is not entirely true, is it? When
these dark entities distorted the original mandate with the intent to use it
against the first man and woman, deceptively promoting it as yet just another
version to the same end, it was in fact the first re-translation of oral-scripture!
Thus, what we have had ever since has only been the continuation and expansion
of that original false program. Their “program” or “work-around” must be
maintained as widely as possible in order for these entities to remain in power
over mankind. The only way they maintain their control, in lieu of the original
Eternal Creator and His workers of good, is for The Eternal One to remain deaf
to His created ones, us! How did they do it in the garden you ask? The
exact same way they have continued to keep mankind enslaved and out of the direct
hearing of their true Eternal Creator, by the blood of course! Nothing has
changed other than mankind’s perceptions, and those perceptions have been
tailored through most false religious superstitions via these false cosmic
entities. Again, it all comes down to obedience or through our individual and
collective disobedience to The Eternal One’s original system of LIFE, and not
death or chaos. We are enslaved by our own CONSENT, including our tacit consent
of their false system of death and destruction.
The ancient Hebrew understandings of “Live by the
sword, die by the sword” and/or “Treat all others as you would
have them treat you and yours” are actually one and the same thing. It
has been in the re-teaching of these ancient understandings and how they were
generally applied to our thinking, which has been purposely changed.
In the Essene texts, the prophet Yehshua very plainly explains
how each animal body part that man utilizes as food causes YOUR corresponding
body part to become rotten, causing all manner of diseases. This goes directly
against all Jewish and Christian religious creeds with regards to their dietary
propensities, as well as most of the world’s “beliefs” based within those
Genesis texts. His statements ultimately progress to YOU finally dying
prematurely because of these actions – “Live by the sword, die by the
sword”. Many other Tanak texts from
Genesis to Jonah to King David say much the same when it comes to the mistreatment
of the animals among us. Not to mention, our many prophets screamed these
points of original Torah while men remain deaf – “Treat ALL as you would
have them treat YOU”… This is what these simple Aramaic Hebrew phrases
meant in their original context, not something new, as most tend to hear them
now. The eldest available Hebrew texts of Genesis, when translated literally
and correctly, prove that ALL the souls of men and animals are from the same
source and equal. This also means that both are equally responsible for their
actions. Therefore, if the Eternal Creator NEVER changes or Modifies, this
ancient Hebrew understanding of “Treating ALL as you would have them treat you”
cannot, and does not pertain to only men or the souls thereof, but to all His
creation with the “soul of life”. Clearly, anything you do to the body, you are
also doing to the soul within it. Quantum science has now proven this to be
true if one cares to learn it.
Based off the many corresponding creation accounts available
to man and regardless of what your personal religion based superstition allows
you to believe, the main life form (man) that was originally put in charge to
have husbandry over this creation decided to CONSENT to those dark force’s will,
and ways. As I explained prior, their choice removed them from the presence of
The Eternal Creator and therefore, these other worldly entities from different
planes of consciousness are being “allowed” to have their way with this “expanse”
and all the life forms in it, albeit because of man’s quantum lack of knowledge
and over writing superstitions. It’s just that simple. The good news is their
grasp appears to be growing weaker. Their soft-kill programs have been
expanding, while the souls of this creation are awaking more and more each day,
and more in this generation than any other to the truth of The Eternal’s
original ways. Does the dark side know this? Yes, this is why we now see in plain
sight people like pseudo scientist and world resident sociopath Mr. Ray Kurzweil
telling the world that they are very close to being able to “capture” the human
soul “from” the human body and install it into, and I quote, a “better body”…
Better for whom? Know this, it has been my experience that when they tell you they
are close, that is code for “we already have it perfected”. This is the ONLY
reason for the current depopulation agenda; they fully intend to kill off 90%
of this world’s population. It isn’t too difficult to see how the two could go
hand in hand. When those consenting, enslaved souls return back from their
death, they will be captured by this new technology, which they received from
these other worldly entities. At this point all new live births will be metered
as needed, as is already evident with programs such as China’s one child law. Then,
all those souls coming through will be captured within some new, most likely biomechanical
bodies, or worse yet some completely alien body. Clearly, either way these new
“better bodies” will be 100% controllable by the new world masters who of course
saved themselves and their families’ from whatever catastrophe they devised.
Unless you believe they have spent the last fifty plus years building extensive
deep underground bases and stock piling billions of supplies in other massive
underground storage areas for fun.
It should be recognized that all superstitions, mythos, and
folklore have a root core of original truth; this means ALL, even those within
religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindus, Wiccan, and the list
goes on. For this discussion I want to consider the lore concerning the devil
attempting to capture the souls of all men. Almost no superstition is as wide
spread regardless of culture or geographical location as this, only second to
the moons mystical powers driving moon worship and its use in virtually all the
world’s calendar system since before writing. Understandably this devil soul
stealing therefore must be correct at its point of origin. Even connected with
the moon, the ancient lore, which spans many civilizations, is that of the moon
being this devil’s tool to “capture” our souls. This may also be true, and
again up-holds my long time teaching that the true Eternal Creator of this
place and all other creations –“expanses”, did not in fact create our moon within
His seven days of creation. All the Hebrew texts bare me out on this. So at
least understand that most of these entities are real, as is their ultimate
goal of controlling all souls. But why? Well, my answer to that is that our
souls are the microcosm-soul of The Eternal One’s Macro-soul. Thus, if I were
some (non-original-Torah) compliant entity who was created by Him millions of
years ago, possibly even without the same soul portion He gave us and other
creations, then, I might decide to infiltrate these creations. I may use trickery
to capture those soul portions using their own Free Will Consent. Of
course I can only do it this way because in the first day of creation of all
creations, The Eternal Creator created His Free Will system, which remains
immutable. Consequently, regardless of my technological advancements or
knowledge of His great creation and all the expanses within the original void,
even I cannot bypass His Free Will system in order to enslave you. You must
CONSENT! Many do this every single day, in every single lifetime since creation.
My proof you ask? Well, you are still here, that is all the proof I
Now as you can see by your own consent, I will have virtually
enslaved portions, many portions, of the Eternal One’s very own soul! THAT is
why these entities work so diligently and for so long to enslave man. They have
been using man to accomplish this all along. The masses are enslaved over and
over again by the rewriting of all original truth, a growing lack of original
knowledge, and the large scale expansion of religious orders, all having the
same root beliefs based from these false traditions and superstitions. Why? Because…“My
people/souls are destroyed for their lack of knowledge.” My god, look at that ridiculous alleged
“Torah Code!” Are you kidding me? Do you
truly believe that the creator of entire expanses, galaxies, civilizations,
from microbes to complex matter, requires the silliness of some hidden, and
I want to stress this word – “hidden” – basic word code cross puzzle to
enlighten His people? Really? Because
last I checked he used His PEOPLE for that, we call them prophets! And even
some of them are suspect. And hello! All
of that alleged code is all AFTER the fact, so it’s not even prophesy! HEY,
it’s pretty dam easy to write a book that has a corresponding code of events in
it when you have access to time travel technology, and then have all your code
predictions turn out 100% correct after they orchestrate the actual or even
staged event. Not at all prophetic, and by no means helpful, not helpful us
anyway. I am certain however it has been and will continue to be more and more helpful
to those dark forces who created it. Aiding them to keep so many silly humans
wound up tight with their eye’s more and more towards some chosen few “Priests”
who yet again hold the sacred keys to the book, or in this case, the code. Same “you know what”, different day!
The problem? The Eternal One and all His Malakim/messengers are equally bound,
abiding within the same Free Will system. I was reminded by a student how the
words of Yehshua are applicable here.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18).
This binding and loosing is not simply a command spoken as the Christian thinks, but comes through the obedience to His original Torah – (Binding ACTION!). Therefore, because of man’s ongoing consent to the dark side’s will and ways, we literally bind their hands and essentially cut them off from us, as well as directly ministering to us. I tend to believe this and this alone is the only reason for the “Elect one” as clearly spoken about within Enoch’s texts. The “Elect one”, who was recasted as a “messiah entity” by the much later Shelanite cult, appears to have been given the great task of intermediary between the majority of souls/people during these many spans of time, and The Eternal Creator who cannot yet hear them directly. Christianity, along with others who believe in the false messiah entity, has turned the Elect one’s role mostly upside down through the mixing of more ancient pagan traditions intermingled with blind trust in convoluted scriptures, and finally adding in their misunderstanding of our more original Hebrew traditions, etc. Despite this, from my perspective they still have a lot of his role correct. They just don’t understand it or its origin as accurately as they think. This should be expected and found to be the case within ALL religions, as I pointed out. Truly, these religions have been the main citadel of the dark forces grip on the souls of man.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18).
This binding and loosing is not simply a command spoken as the Christian thinks, but comes through the obedience to His original Torah – (Binding ACTION!). Therefore, because of man’s ongoing consent to the dark side’s will and ways, we literally bind their hands and essentially cut them off from us, as well as directly ministering to us. I tend to believe this and this alone is the only reason for the “Elect one” as clearly spoken about within Enoch’s texts. The “Elect one”, who was recasted as a “messiah entity” by the much later Shelanite cult, appears to have been given the great task of intermediary between the majority of souls/people during these many spans of time, and The Eternal Creator who cannot yet hear them directly. Christianity, along with others who believe in the false messiah entity, has turned the Elect one’s role mostly upside down through the mixing of more ancient pagan traditions intermingled with blind trust in convoluted scriptures, and finally adding in their misunderstanding of our more original Hebrew traditions, etc. Despite this, from my perspective they still have a lot of his role correct. They just don’t understand it or its origin as accurately as they think. This should be expected and found to be the case within ALL religions, as I pointed out. Truly, these religions have been the main citadel of the dark forces grip on the souls of man.
Why would any disobedient life form wish to control or house
the souls of men? The answer should appear simple, the Eternal One is the
greatest “creative” force. Thus, if He is in us with our souls being
micro-portions of His Macro-creative soul, then our souls also have a great
creative ability or force! Is this not just as many prophets warn, including
Yehshua if memory serves me correct? I wouldn’t hesitate to say that even the
smallest most micro-portion of His creative soul in us would be so powerful to
a point that our own understanding cannot possibly know it or understand it
yet. However, this does not mean that other created entities so far older and
technologically superior to us could not know it, or have a use for the soul
portions. Quite obviously someone does.
So, how do we stop it?
To answer this question I will have to divert a bit into a
place mostly unknown to me outside of recollection. I, however, know that since
most of you reading this, being Christian or coming from some form of
Christianity, will know exactly to what I am referring.
In the Christian commentaries I have found the parables of
Yehshua to be quite outstanding, as I have also found his answers to the
Pharisee’s, even writing about those answers in my Asher Codex.
The main parable I wish to point out is the parable of the Wheat
and the Darnel/Tares. Yehshua
teaches that at some unknown point The Eternal One’s Malakim/messengers will
KNOW who the identity of actual “wheat” opposed to the false wheat - “darnel”. Depicting
that at harvest both will be gathered, however, the good wheat will be separated
from the fake wheat. This of course can only be referring to those “souls” who
have finally found The Eternal’s original instructions and lived them, an
instruction which Yehshua himself taught. Sadly, few since have been able to
see his true teachings due to their own later New Testament text manipulations.
Searching, finding, and doing His original Instructions is the essence of
“returning” to Him as He consistently requests through all His true prophets –
The common misconception of this parable is in the thought of
it occurring at only one time at some yet unknown future date, however, in
truth this has been occurring constantly. Very possibly this could have been
taking place since Yehshua’s time or before; this we cannot know for sure, nor
does it really matter. The fact is, Christianity and those who follow Yehshua
as Savior, may recognize our souls as being part of The Creator’s soul, and
maybe even as possessing the same but minor creative abilities, but when it
comes to the truth concerning all souls recycling through many lives, they have
been brainwashed to believe this to be either pagan or new age ideas, or both.
This aversion to soul progression is mainly due to long false doctrines having
previously washed their DNA, leaving their souls in this false reality. Their
aversion to this idea is not based in proof, much less any confirmations that
come close to the amount of evidence we have worldwide of souls returning, these
proofs are a certainty to anyone who delves into this topic. Instead their “one
life to live” dogma is the lie, and not a lie that even their own early
church held as true. Stripped away has been their hope of finding the original
truth earlier, this lie is a most effective work-around. Just believe as we
tell you to and in this one incarnation you will have life everlasting, and
in some cases with 70 virgins! Every religion has it perks I guess. Moreover the many text distortions created
about Yehshua after the fact have allowed the newer special priests to project
yet another control device, something I call “Soul-Fear”. They created yet another halo of superstition
regarding Yehshua and their alleged salvation. Once a Christian says the magic
words, that they believe in Jesus and now saved, I have seen it many
times in my years of teaching, that they will hear even the least of my words
and immediately become fearful about hearing anything more. Why, because their
fear stems from the belief that their eternal salvation can be revoked. Soul-Fear! Another effective tool.
As we look at this parable a little closer, I want to point
out that crops and harvests are not SOLELY one-time events. Thus, this is an
ongoing occurrence in each generation just as any earthly crop harvest. It
should be further noted that the “imposter wheat – darnel” to be burned is
exactly what I have mentioned prior, man’s embrace of those evil entities’ deceptive
will and ways. Consequently, this parable is about the condition of the soul at
the end of an incarnation by having chosen to live either “good” or “evil”. To
have searched for true goodness/Light, found it, and lived it, is to embrace
the Eternal One and His original instruction for all life. To search not, find
not, and live as the heathen do is by design and definition Evil &
Darkness. It has absolutely nothing to do with any mythical warring demonic
force against their creator, nor its underworld.
The Eternal Father knows who is ready; His Malakim are also aware as they
watch. Those souls who become ready in each lifetime are the good wheat, which
live among the darnel in any life. When this soul finally becomes aware of The
Eternal’s original truth, which is solely based on His character as the CREATOR
not destroyer, embraces the change, and returns to His Everlasting
Agreement as was spoken about by the prophet Isaiah, then upon that soul’s
separation with the body it will not return here, but move on to the Eternal
Father. That wheat being placed in the barn, it’s “house”, is no less than that
soul returning back to His house, His temple. Now, when the soul that had
chosen evil separates from the body represented here by the darnel, it is not unlike
that of the refiner’s fire. Just as that fire burns off impurities out of gold,
the burning of the darnel at the end of this life cycle gives way for a new
opportunity for the soul’s continuance to return again and again to choose good,
instead of evil. That is the compassion of The Eternal to allow the soul to
continue on its journey back to Him. Therefore, the next “new crop” of lives
contain the souls that have another chance to choose good by seeking Him and
living out His original Will. There is then another harvest, with another soul
crop cycle to follow. So it is in each generation. Would all this go so much faster for everyone
if the majority worldwide would all come to His understanding of the Everlasting Agreement and live it? You bet it would, maybe
within one generation. The separation of
the majority of people/souls moving to choose His good & light over the
evil & darkness they have been choosing generationally since after Noach
would create, yes literally create a totally new matrix here near
instantly. So many coming to His truth
would also instantly break the galactic hold those false entities of chaos have
over this creation. Again yes, we do return here many times, and yes, many
cultures have misunderstood this wheel-cycle as a necessity for enlightenment
of the soul, however I tell you our souls have no need for so many journeys to
learn and accept His original truth, even our prophets tell us that as I have
depicted within my book, The Greater Exodus.
Once a soul is ready to return to The
Eternal Father’s original ways, which are not at all man’s ways and completely
against every social norm we have in our modern times because the living out of
this lifestyle within His Everlasting Agreement is difficult at best. For most
of us this is in the face of our learned religions, which we were born into, triggering
distress and discord with our own family and friends, sometimes causing disassociation; however, we do it! The absoluteness
of its truth is already known to us in such a way that is most alien to even
the most ardent religionists among us. Although teaching His true ways in parts
and pieces for most of my adult life, I am only now in the last ten years
seeing so many souls returning to it with great strength and single mindedness,
even against constant persecution from their own close families and friends.
For so many years I was mostly alone in this, living with the feeling that
death would be preferable than returning back to the old way. I thank The
Eternal One for allowing me to live long enough to see others voicing this same
I remember hearing so many Christian preachers countless
times pontificating that their followers - “come out of her my people”…but
knowing myself that they had no clue as to what they were supposed to come out
from, much less to where. I have spoken to innumerable learned Rabbi’s in and
out of their orthodoxy, and many Christian preachers as well asking them both, “why
do none of you ask what Isaiah is rebuking us about concerning this Everlasting
Agreement?” The silence on one side remains deafening, and the fanciful thinking
from the other, childish. The soul does not have to remain on their dark side
autopilot forever. Everyone does have the ability to break through their
entrenched dogma and rituals to consider a truth. Again, it is only your own
CONSENT within His Free Will system that keeps you there, and the dark sides
fear control that keeps you from even trying.
Here seems to be the final issue on this. Whether it be from our Hebrew
prophets or later from the prophet Yehshua, there will be an end to the usefulness
of this usurped farmer’s field. All those darnel crops/souls who “knowingly”
worked for the dark side in full knowledge and understanding at that time will
be cut down, bound, and burned, at which point there appears to be no further
chances of return. Only these people
exercised a true Free Will choice, unlike the rest of the souls revolving in
this usurped creation whose choices were based solely on lie upon lie. All very
cleverly planned and continually executed to insure the longest term of
slavery. THAT is the issue for all, because no one, not even the dark side
entities who hide truths just within reach while keeping you all so occupied
that you won’t even look, knows when the last harvest will be. Those who chose
to be darnel by their own consent will be found as dust.
This creation, as I surmise others are, remains under the
adverse possession and control of other NON-Torah compliant entities because
mankind overwhelmingly and against his true nature, allows them to remain in
control. This is so because the majority comply and Consent to the will of
another entities ways, in clear contradiction to The True Eternal One’s Will.
This can only be viewed by Him as willful disobedience because His truth has
always been available here somewhere by the breath of some teacher or prophet.
These entities have been allowed to mistreat those who are
technologically inferior to them as long as those they affect are those who
dominate and mistreat other life forms who they believe to be inferior to them
“Live by their sword, Die by their sword”
Treat all others as you would have
them treat you!
Ignorance is no excuse any longer. They are allowed access
and control over us because WE, NOT HIM permit it, and continue to sanction it
through the willful disconnection to His original instructions for this
creation, which hang beneath His Everlasting Agreement!
For a full understanding on the Everlasting Agreement and
original Instructions, please consider reading my book, “The Land of MEAT & Honey”.
Dr. S. Asher ©2014
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