I AM You – The Key to breaking the cycle?
In the past year I past year I have had the great pleasure of becoming acquainted with one of the world’s treasures, a very spiritual and historically knowledgeable man from India who is also one of the worlds top minds in Quantum Physicists. Now, most of you have become aware that this discipline of science has long intrigued me, and one I have studied almost as much as my own discipline of spiritual understanding. As well you may know that I do not believe we can separate The Eternal’s creation or Him from this particular discipline of science. I firmly believe that it will ultimately take seeing both in order for the how’s and why’s of His expansive creation to be fully known.
Disclaimer: For those who continue their personal propensities to read something in any article in which they initially find a point they disagree with, only to continue reading colored by their own dogmatic superstitions, not truly comprehending the intended spirit of the rest of the information provided in said article - THIS particular article, although I believe it "can" be coupled to my verified teaching concerning the Eternal One's true name - as found in the "Asher Codex", I am NOT presenting this new parallel as absolute truth on the subject, but only for additional consideration, although certain language within the following may tend to allow that incorrect assumption.
Although I
have never revealed to many people that for several years now I have also
studied, as in depth as my free time would allow, the cultural and ritual ideas
of the Eastern religions. The reason being that knowing for so long how
redacted and skewed my own Hebrew religious texts were, I felt the only
recourse short of storming the Vatican was to look at the other, even more
ancient, religions who didn't appear to have such pervasive editorial issues.
In the
latest conversation with this friend on the subject of the human “living soul”,
a subject which interests us both more than any other, he brought up a point
that is understood within the Eastern Indian Buddhist religion concerning the
moon. While explaining his point he mused about how many top scientists within
several fields of science believe that they have proved that the moon was not
always with us. Meaning, regardless of which ageing system you wish to believe
and use to measure the earth’s age, that since the seventies there exist
ongoing and measurable physical properties both on the moon and on earth, which
prove that there is no physical way that the moon has been in our orbit for
nearly the same amount of time that the earth has been in existence. Now, this
was the point in our conversation where I actually had some ancient
understanding to add. As I have reiterated more times in my life than I care to
remember to those who only wish to know what our English Torah translations
have to say, within Genesis-1, that there has never and will never be any
mention of any moon created at that time or before by the Creator being spoken
of within those texts. Therefore, when we consider the main points of creation,
which are spoken only within those specific sections of our entire Hebrew text,
we are provided with the proof that there is no mention of any moon being
created on the 4th day, or any other day. My friend found this to be quite
interesting because this was information he hadn't knowledge of yet, given that
he had no Hebrew scholar to date giving him the truth on these matters; also, not information easily ascertained via any English version of the text.
Let’s get
back to his main point concerning their Buddhist understanding and the moon. He
explained that the Buddhist belief was that when a person dies, his soul
travels only as far as “the vicinity” of the moon, NOT the moon itself. While
in that area, which I am considering to be some quantum spiritual star-gate
location, he said that the soul is asked one question, a test of that
soul’s wisdom level, or lack thereof.
Now, before
I continue with his wisdom on this, I would like to point out and instruct you
in advance to notice the absolute simplicity of it all as we progress. Knowing
what I have taught and written in my own books, expressing “ad nausea”, “That
if any precept or ritual is difficult to understand, or worse, said to be
hidden to the point where a special priest or prophet is required for you to
know it, IT IS A LIE”!
the opposite must always be true; the truth is at all times absolute simplicity
and anyone can know it!
However, as
I have also expressed many times over and a point that many of you have since
learned as well, “That most people do not want simplicity, they want
detailed ritual” and detailed rituals only teach patterns of enslavement, not patterns of freedom.
there again, most humans on some level want enslavement, some more, some less. Most
do lean towards wishing to be led like cattle, even if it is mostly on a
subconscious level, because just like cattle most people are malignantly spiritually lazy.
Herein lies
why you have literally every messiah type teacher within most of the world’s
ancient religions all saying about the same things, teaching very close the
identical precepts for all mankind, not just some men. Teaching that
although many will hear a particular concept only a few, a remnant, will
actually COMPREHEND and DO that particular concept, and even fewer still for an entire life-time. Whether it was
Enoch, or Noach, or the Buddha, or Abrahim, or Muhammad’s original teachings,
or Yehshua original teachings before Judah and the papacy got to them; it is
for certain that all enlightened mortals have pretty much lived and taught the
exact same simple truths – “Love the Creator with all you are”, and "Treat all
living beings as you would have them treat you". I realize that most Christians and other offshoot Christian sects believe that Jesus came up with a new concept with that precept, however this ancient Hebrew wisdom long preceded him, and is the absolute basis for the Eternal Creators original instruction for all man. I have taught this basis myself, however always coupling its truth with the true understanding of The Eternal One's Character, although I upgraded the precept a touch to read - 'Love the Creator with all you are, and treat all living beings as you would have them treat your own child!'.... After that, the rest falls in place if you are paying attention
for more than a week and strive NOT to be caught up in man’s religious
There is no
doubt that the lingering teachings of Christian dogma will force most to see
these ideas as nothing more than some revival of ancient pagan practices and
ideas wrapped up in some new age presentation. However there again, those are
the many who will remain stuck in this cycle of “non-learning, life after life,
always crying out to their new messiah, whoever that may be, to save them from
this life to which they continue to choose over and over again via their Free Will!….Lol If I didn't have such a good sense of humor and positive attitude in dealing with the
majority of people like this all these years, I may have cried out to The
Eternal to take my life long ago.
The point remains;
the truth of anything will be proven by its absolute simplicity, as well as in
its convergence and compliance with the true life creating and life sustaining
character of The Eternal Creator Himself.
Upon my
friend’s explanation concerning the soul’s first stop along the way after death
being in the vicinity of the moon, which is obviously some transcendent stop
between our three dimensional earth existence and what we understand as
“Shamayim” or heaven, he then told me the most amazing and shocking thing
concerning the next of several possible phases for the soul while at this
way-station. He informed me that one of their most ancient beliefs is, that upon
the soul’s arrival to this point in space as it were, that our soul is asked
one question, “WHO ARE YOU?”
in my own soul, in that very moment, I knew the
answer! There could only be ONE
answer to that question, and at that same exact second between my own
breaths I was just as quickly disheartened with the realization that the
majority of souls have never learned the answer to that question. Sadly, I know
by my own lengthy personal experience, many who have actually heard “this answer” taught persist in not only rejecting it, but continue to use and teach
the ancient lie which took its place, this answer will soon be revealed to
you if you have not perceived it already.
Those who
have not learned this, lack it, because ancient evil false priests originally hid it. As new faiths have emerged, those evil leaders learned
this answer as well and joined with that ancient Shelanite clan to continually assure that
it remain concealed. Not even I knew just how important this single, small
piece of information would be at this level, and I have known its core answer
all my life, but always instructed not to teach it. Additionally, the overall understanding of such a concept as
reincarnation is continually under fire as being totally false and pagan, thus
even knowing the answer, most will continue to reject the expanded use of it as I am now presenting for consideration. This demonizing is perpetuated mostly by Christianity and now, very
likely Islam has joined the delusion as well. After so many years of in-depth scriptural,
cross cultural, and language studies, etc., I have only recently now, through
this scientist of all people, come to learn the vast importance of the simple
words spoken of by our great prophets, such as Yehshua spoke teaching precepts
like, the narrow path, passing through the eye of a needle, the virgins’
oil, etc. Which from my Hebrew perspective are all parables pointing to
the same “key”, however, unfortunately few have found the truth of it,
continually skewed and blinded by false dogma.
If what this man told me is true, and my inclination
is to believe it is, then I am feeling a bit ignorant right now. But then again,
how would any of us know other truths if we allow ourselves to remain caught
behind the boundaries of the world’s three main, and most enslaving religious superstitions? NOTE: I am NOT saying there is no true original Torah, of course I know there is, I have written books revolving around it. Just as my students and friends have expressed this same thought as they emerged from under the weight of the false doctrines of religion, I found myself thinking the same thing, that I should have found this information and made this connection many years ago; better later than never I guess. I appears regardless of anyone's extensive experience and education in this given area of religion vs/ spiritualism, or lack of it, we must all remain humble to the fact that we will all be in the same boat until a new scroll of original instruction falls out of heaven that clears things up. No one is yet standing on the shore looking down into this boat at everyone else quite yet.
The nuts
and bolts of what the human soul actually is, its three parts, along with how
they connect and interact with creation is presently and quickly expanding the sciences’
perspectives. The truths they are unlocking are nothing short of miraculous and
expansive, although most will find it difficult to learn a new language called
quantum physics. For sure many of the flat-earth Newtonian scientists are
hating these new breakthroughs, but they cannot disprove them. In fact they are
quickly being forced to recant their many Darwinian superstitions as well. NOTE: A good point to remember about all science, as well as all theologians is, that our careers as it were, are 100% built on that Ph.D or Th.D, which is generally understood to be valid within a certain narrow view of the science or theology, respectively. Which means, when you build your entire public career on the lies that preceded you, i.e. 'white papers, hypothesis papers, thesis papers, public interviews, published works etc.; to later be proven so totally incorrect? One must then do some very serious soul searching, as you will be forced to turn in your Ph.D or forge ahead with the truth, and take your scholastic lumps. THIS, is why so many Flat-earthers in both science and theology fight so vigorously against those who have been given the eye's again to see these many truths as they have been appearing.
Getting back to the main topic, the big question remains, “WHO ARE YOU?” The Eastern discipline of this understanding now backed up by this science, which is becoming more and more difficult for all other disbelieving scientists to cast any negative light on is, that with the correct knowledge and belief upon our death, a person can remain cognizant and aware of the next phase or realm before proceeding. This being so, an individual can now regain control over the next phase of their existence. To make my point clearer I would like you to think of most people by the following example. People, or a person has been driving their cars down a perfectly straight freeway with a totally blacked out windshield. So far, they only know to drive straight, keeping a sharp eye out both side windows to keep away from the guardrails, those rails being their only point of reference for direction. The freeway has many exists in order for any soul to advance their journey, however they miss these exits being unaware they exist prior to passing them. Being unaware and overcome by their own intense focus on those side rails, having only peripheral vision, they don’t look for possible exists. Thus they miss them completely until someone replaces the blacked out windshield, pointing out the possibility of additional directions in the hopes that they can now learn to turn, and complete their journey.
Many of us
are already aware of the plethora of verified accounts and scientific studies
known as “near death experiences”, proving that in fact the ancients were
correct to believe and tell us that there is no actual death. It appears that
the Eastern religions and their use of meditation, although completely
misunderstood by most Western religions, is a discipline “in part”
specifically used to train for awareness in that very moment of death. Thus,
such knowledge in life can be called upon in that moment we call death, at
which point conscious choices can be made and evidently exceedingly important
questions answered. Like I said
before, brings new light to the prophet’s quote – “My people perish for
their lack of knowledge”…
I am hoping
so far that you have either figured out the answer to this all-important
question on your own, or still contemplating it as I ramble about here. Before
I get into what that simple answer is, and I hope you are not reading ahead, I
think it is germane to this topic that I hit on a few facts about our more
modern times, and how the same source from our ancient past appears to be
shaping up their extreme make-over plans for mankind. Facts are vast and becoming more
provable outside the known Christian and Jewish dogmas concerning the true
understanding of our long known, and long misunderstood prophesies; how certain
aspects and principalities in our times have expanded, and how they will
continue to broaden their influence over our souls as time progresses. I
believe these will be ideas that all of us may agree on.
There have always been a sect of people that knew of this ancient knowledge, striving to control it. Of course most of my own publication on that subject has revolved around false Shelanite-Judah’s involvement in hiding many original truths, however, they were not at all the first to do so and certainly not the last. As you may find out via the chapters on Judah within the new Asher Codex, I firmly believe it was proven that their sect continues to this day to be the overall head of this serpent, by way of their non-Hebrew Eastern European lineage.
There have always been a sect of people that knew of this ancient knowledge, striving to control it. Of course most of my own publication on that subject has revolved around false Shelanite-Judah’s involvement in hiding many original truths, however, they were not at all the first to do so and certainly not the last. As you may find out via the chapters on Judah within the new Asher Codex, I firmly believe it was proven that their sect continues to this day to be the overall head of this serpent, by way of their non-Hebrew Eastern European lineage.
In short, a
few insiders have hidden these truths through massive textual redaction's,
coupled with many cultural and linguistic manipulations, along with actively
hiding many ancient texts few have ever seen. The overall lack of knowledge
concerning these truths allows them to manipulate and control the world’s three
main religions from birth to death, due to their distorted, falsified
commentaries and cultural manipulations. Driving all the cattle of this world
down very broad chutes, feeding them their own flesh, while brainwashing them generationally with all manner of feel good superstition. Even the best fed organic cows who get to live their lives in the most perfect weather and serene surroundings, still get a bolt to the head in the end! The bottom line on
this, whether you believe what my friend’s Eastern discipline is saying or not,
the end remains the same, that anyone who remains locked into the worlds’
religious orders will remain controlled even in death. So, giving all this more
than a second look just may be worth your while in the eternal long-term.
“If you
control the worlds’ systems, which systems all men are allowed to live in, and
how they are allowed to think about those systems, then you can even control
how man dies”. Thus, by controlling
most knowledge and striving to build a single worldwide Statist religion,
language and culture, they will eventually enslave not only physical men but
all SOULS! This will be easily accomplished by wiping clean the earth of
all spiritual teachers, even those of their own current false religious
systems, burning clean all the books and any modern system of transferring
knowledge and any way to get back to that knowledge, controlling all basic
human needs, and presenting those who are left with your new “State” religion.
No doubt this new religious order will be the final step in converting this
originally perfectly created planet, into a Prison! Therefore becoming a place where all the
living souls of men can be totally controlled even in death.
Controlled in a way that forces each soul now through
new culturally forced ignorance, unlike our own current state of
self-imposed ignorance, upon death to return back to their prison planet
indefinitely! If the truth is simple, then as well it is also simple
from the dark sides’ point of view.
Moreover, although the superstitions of
Christianity and Islam have both completely over sold the entire idea of “the
devil”, “fallen angels”, etc., they have at least understood one small part of
their superstitions correctly, the dark side, whoever that may be, is
absolutely after the total control of our souls! But why?
YOU?” As some of you may know I have a very different take on that question
compared to the world’s religions and even most of you, I’m sure. I believe it
can be clearly seen even via the ancient Hebrew texts we do have, coupled with
the details of my own Hebrew culture on this topic, that in fact when The
Eternal One said, “Let us make man in our image”…. He was very
specifically speaking about GIVING this new three dimensional entity called
“Adamah”, a small portion of His living soul, which of course we plainly
see played out in those texts of Genesis-1. That in fact all of us are
the Microcosm of His Macrocosm soul. Therefore, following the logic in
this way, ALL other entities, helpers, created beings, what have you, that HE
created long before us, and since HE DOES NOT CHANGE, were in fact also
created in His image, as well as being provided that same portion of His soul. Now! That is not eliminating the fact that some of those "other" created ones who are far older and eons more technologically advanced, have not on their own, and in "their image" or not their image, created other beings who have not been equipped with The Eternal Creators "Living Soul portion". Possibly sub-being to do their bidding.
following this simple logic further, if even one of the other created beings which HE created were within ear shot of Him during the creation process of this galaxy,
specifically on the 6th day, then He would have included them in His
thinking and speech at that time to say, “Let us make man in OUR
Now, if you
were of the evil ones, whoever they may be, (most likely those spoken of by
Enoch, although a bit skewed by yet another crucified translation), and you
had influence over the willingly evil humans of the earth through all time,
then tell me, what higher prize could there be than to be able to completely
subvert, capture, and enslave so many portions of The Eternal Creator’s literal
Now, let us
take that soul-enslavement project even further. If, as we now know, that The
Eternal Creator created man to house a portion of His own living soul, i.e.
“Living God”, then it should also be surmised and logically understood that the
original system “of sending souls” as humans are born, which is a system
that The Eternal obviously instituted, is exactly what we have seen being
described in brief within the Hebrew Genesis chapter one. Then the receiving of
all new souls, as the population expands, are souls further drawn from the
source of all life – The Eternal Creator! The idea quite literally and simply is a plan
to suck as many souls as possible from the source, using His own system against
Him! Now understand, I am not saying its a good plan, or even remotely sane, but again, consider the source we are talking about here.
looking at this from the perspective of the dark side and their obviously very
protracted plan to enslave all souls, wouldn't it stand to logic and reason
that they would find a way to first “control” all souls through the life, death,
and rebirth process? Wouldn't it ALSO make certain sense that after their
system of control is completed and ready for use, (and after their phase of killing off 90+% of the worlds population to begin fresh), they would then expand the new
human population greatly on this planet again, and then continue to expand to many other planets?
Thereby expanding the soul requirement greatly, as well as now possessing humans who have no scholastic or spiritual clue; and round and round they go,
forcing all new born people/souls to be totally indoctrinated from birth. This
next phase of induced population, possibly even by mass cloning projects in
order to bring in the souls, would be made far easier and faster by all manner
of new super high technology. At which
point their new tech extracts the living soul from the new born, they discard those
biological infant bodies, then upload those living souls into their newly fully
developed Techno-humanoid bodies. Thus, life-everlasting, or for as long as they deem you are needed!
WHY you
ask? Remember, if this is all about limiting human knowledge long enough to
finally be able, through many systems of control and manipulation to eventually
fully enslave all souls, then by greatly expanding the amount of new souls
pulled-in and away from The Eternal One’s quantum soul, they would have
produced a system that might be able to diminish The Eternal One’s massive
quantum soul enough to possibly shift the balance of power! i.e. “Be as
god”??? At least in their bent
minds. Another possibility could be
nothing more than the dark sides need to build armies for that supposed,
ongoing war in the heavens. We may possibly think of this planet as the Clone planet
in the movie Star Wars, far enough remote from the fight that those they intend
on overcoming will not see it occurring. We all know several of our prophesies
can be easily plugged in to this probability. Either way, the current
population won’t have that, so we got’z to go! Sound crazy? Well, it is not like they aren't telling everyone the plan. They have done so in many United Nations documents, and they even posted it in full view on an American megalith monument known as "The Georgia Guide Stones". Where it very specifically states, and in total alignment with known UN plans; that at some future point the total sustainable population of this planet can not exceed 500.000.000! So, then there's that!
For anyone
who doubts the possibility of what I am hypothesizing here, you can convince
yourself by reading any of Ray Kurzweil’s books on this very subject. Mr.
Kurzweil in 2013 has come right out and told the world that they are very close
to perfecting the technology that will enable them, whoever “they” are,
to quite literally remove the soul from any human and re-implant that
consciousness into another mechanical, or bio-mechanical body, which they
feel will be far less fragile than our current human bodies. This little bit of
deceptive slight of hand will afford near eternal life until they can perfect
the absolute eternal part later. I assert that when the "establishment" at his
level openly tells you that they are close to some evil breakthrough technology
such as this, be assured they already have that tech fully finished, vetted,
and ready for implementation. The down side is, they know full well that few to
none of the souls living on the planet at this time, outside of their own small
groups of narcissistic sociopaths, would ever go for having their souls
transferred to another body! Thus, I am personally certain that they plan to
exterminate the vast majority of us. Amazingly, even for me, someone who played
down the legitimacy of the Christian prophetic book of Revelation for most of
my life, I am now being forced to see the very real possibility of its
legitimacy now. This fact also allows us to better understand why the new big
push against all Christians by the US and other world governments continues to
grow. Because Christians, although they are ignorant of the facts and situation,
are the only sect of religious people now who will not accept the truth about
our souls being recycled for greater spiritual growth and higher wisdom. However,
no way can I restrict this reaction to only Christians, no one in their right
mind would accept such a thing by their own free will.
Can I show you the giant hole in their plan? Remember
you heard it here first – Free Will and the living soul’s ability to retain our
most pronounced core memories; (See the three current scientific articles on this blog for more info), this fact has been scientifically measured and proven
for many years now. Some may remember from my books the comments concerning the
Free Will design from the quantum scientific angle and how the high medical
scientists have been unable to prove that the human brain can actually perform outside
of its own minimal biological interior functions. They cannot substantiate why
any of it works, or how humans perceive what comes in through our senses’ much
less, how we possess extra senses at all. They cannot verify this, because it
is exactly as it remains within Physics – when they LOOK at it, it changes!
Thus, they cannot ever see any of what they are attempting to observe; thus,
you cannot learn, much less modify what you cannot see! LOL…That always gets me;
it’s just too damn funny!
The Eternal
Creator built in a firewall so that those who are not yet worthy cannot even
see that which they endeavor to change and manipulate! You’re a scientist? You
want to look at some matter? Too bad! LOL… Because as soon as any human consciousness
even comes close to interacting with said matter, the matter instantly changes
form! LOL…. COME ON! It can’t only
be me that thinks this is some seriously funny stuff here! So my point being,
imagine capturing an existing soul with so many experiences and built up knowledge, then attempting to stick that soul into a new body and presuming that it is capable
of working in the long term when someone like me is in there! Is there anybody
out there that thinks shoving Shmuel into some seven-foot tall, indestructible
body with super human strength and additional quantum speed computing brainpower
is ever going to be a good idea for the dark side? LOL…
ultimately therein lies the hidden crack within their dam wall. They cannot
control His original Free Will system, nor will they be able to control what
any soul remembers. Therefore, if they didn't need the extensive ability of the
living soul, as they are all created to have - as to diminish it's ability in some way
via technology to better control it – then they would not need to use them
at all, as their super high technology could easily cover their needs through
bio-robotic means. Thus, they are only able to manipulate and emulate His
existing creation because they are nothing more than created beings themselves! In conclusion, these evil entities will never possess either the power nor
ability to trump The Eternal Creator much less capture His collective soul for
their contemptuous plan because HE is the Creator and they are not!
Does the
picture have a bit more clarity for you now? “My people perish for their
lack of knowledge.” I have personally long taught this prophetic passage to
be speaking specifically and only to His original Torah, as I have long
understood that to be, however, based on this new information, that is
obviously not a complete understanding. If the entire end game for all of us,
in almost virtually all religions, is to finally enter into everlasting life,
then we need to know how to do that! Of course, many will now say that Jesus
did that for all who say the magic words and believing what they just said, etc.,
and now I can see more clearly how that even may be true for those who lack
knowledge, but nowhere near the understanding as they currently believe that
dogma to be. Not even close. But let me explain…
If I had
to rethink all that I have heard about the “Jesus Saves” thing and still couple
all of it with the fact that I believe the Enochian texts may be speaking about
him within that exact expected “savior” capacity as "The Elect one", then I will have to stick with the
language of those texts which speak directly to two specific sects of people. Those
texts refer to them as, “The Elect, who are unrighteous ones –
those who do not follow the Eternal’s instructions, and the Righteous ones - those who do know and follow His instructions.” (See "The Greater Exodus" S. Asher 2012).
Then yes,
I will concede that the Christians at the very base of their exceedingly
limited understanding of their own superstitions, are in fact correct about
what the Prophet Yehshua will eventually do for them all (IF) in fact he was chosen and identified as that "Elect one". However, logic would
also dictate, as well as our knowledge and application concerning the true character
of The Eternal One, that in no way can these “elect ones” - (those who follow the Elect one) - only be those people
found within the confines of Christianity, how could that be? This would be to flat out say and actually
believe that there aren't good Sikh’s, or Buddhists, or Muslims that haven’t
been lied to as well? Good people with good hearts who search for their Creator
just as seriously and incorrectly as most misled Christians and Jews? So, at
the very least the whole “Messiah Saves only Christians” is another idea requiring
deeper cave exploration.
with the idea that Yehshua/Jesus himself is in fact the one that the Enochian
texts refer to continuously as, “The Elected One.” By those texts we find that
this Elected One was given the job of overseeing those that the Enochian texts
call “The Elect”.
it is very plainly seen within the Christian culture that they have taken that
title, albeit they are only part of “the elect”. They run amuck in
further misunderstanding believing themselves to be in many cases literally above
all others, especially over or in place of the sons of Abrahim.
given the plain reading of those texts, even using the less than perfect
translations, “the elect” are said to be no more than unrighteous people
who reject the original foundations that the Eternal Creator set forth for all
man. Thus, the bottom line on this is that, yes, if you remain without
knowledge and wisdom, much less the coherence to apply such at the presumed
time, you will surely be in need of saving through some future event. In my
opinion, without some outside entities aid, the principles of this planet, and
their masters will soon have total control over many souls. Unfortunately at
the present rate of ignorance, few of them, regardless of how many publications
such as this one are published and read, will ever see this coming. Will this
truly be the “Grand Delusion” that their prophecies speak of?
So, it
would appear that at the most original base level of many religious misconceptions
and seemingly cultural fantasies as say, the Titans, the Nephilim, fire
breathing dragons, or gods chatting up people on high mountain tops, there is
usually a verifiable root of truth at the base of these fables, albeit
generally a very minimal basic truth. The rest is added folklore.
The Devil
wants your soul!!! Lol…. Well, some evil ones do, but regardless who and what
those entities may be, which remains to be known, it would appear the overall
plan has everything to do with the enslavement of as many “living-souls” as possible, which may also include animals in the mix as well.
So maybe, just maybe, it
may be very good and wise to remember the overall ideas and information
presented here so that you can put them to good use when that inevitable time
of transcendence occurs. I would also encourage you to continue with your own
further search of this vast topic.
The truth is always
simple correct?
“WHO ARE YOU?” - What will
your answer be, knowing
now that you are quite literally part of Him?
As expressed earlier, I have long known the answer to this inevitable
question, I was even one of the first, if not the first teacher of Hebrew
lineage to teach it to the so-called gentiles who would listen. However, even I
did not know just how awesomely important the knowledge of this would be, or
that it’s most important application would not be in this life as I previously
believed, but just after this life.
Now I have a much greater appreciation for the intense hatred hurled
against me by those in the Orthodox Rabbinate in New York these past years. For
my having the gall to teach it openly to you pagan non-Jews! Of all that I
taught, this one thing made me a traitor within my own community, culture, and race.
Because of this teaching to non-Jews, my family and I have been forced to
endure several hardships; this includes but is not limited to their attempts of
taking legal action to strip me of my original doctorate degree and to place me
under the “Great Ban”, which by their law allows them even to kill you. Now I
have the greatest understanding for exactly why they worked so long and hard to
hide this single point of information. Have you figured it out yet?
Continuing on with our conversation, my scientist
friend explained to me, as I listened in total amazement, precisely what their
culture believed, and even
possibly before Abrahim himself was told; that the answer to this
all-important question is, “I AM You!” This is just as we understand the
true name of The Eternal One to be, as given to Moshe and all our patriarchs
before him.
- אהיה אשער אהיה -
Its meaning… which was, and will always be
based on His Eternal Existence, with our souls literally part of Him within
this eternal existence, that Name itself was given to depict the key
As I stated earlier and taught through my books, that
we are literally by default a part of Him – the Microcosm of His Macro-Soul.
Thus, it stands to perfect reason that we are Him, just as your own progeny is
of us! It is just so dam simple and
pure, it has to be true!
Or as we might say it in Hebrew – “AHEYEH Ata!” or simply - Anee ata!
But where does this leave our soul if
the question is answered wrong and/or correctly?
It is believed within this most ancient
of Buddhist cultures that those who in life have not progressed “in their current
life” to the basic point of wisdom, fully understanding that ‘they are in
fact not an individual soul entity in their own right’ as most people
are taught through the various world religions, but rather part of a much
greater symphony of souls who are all one. Thus, our souls are connected to
each other via our greater SOURCE connection in association with The Eternal's
Soul! That those people, who in life refused to progress past their need for
collective ritualism and mob rule, will of course never have learned the answer
to this question. In fact, I have personally seen people, other souls, who
learn this truth and continue to reject it for its sheer simplicity! What might your answer have been prior to
reading this treaty?
Upon being asked, you might logically
give the most obvious answer to that question, “your personal name.” At which
point it appears by the Eastern disciplines understanding, that upon giving the
incorrect answer, that soul is then set for the next cycle of life on this
planet for yet another try and not allowed to proceed further at that time.
Thus, basically your soul is being judged against itself; judged for its lack
of development during that particular cycle of physical life, better luck next
time! And in case you are missing the mercy here, just imagine if the reality
was exactly as Christianity and Islam have misunderstood it to be, that all of
us only had ONE single life to get it all; OMG! Not a single one of us would
make it out alive after death, not one! With this earth’s emerging systems of
controlled narratives, no one will proceed further, not a chance in the near future if things are allowed to
progress as they are.
It should also be understood that there are no forms of justification or
excuse making, and another entity may not answer on your behalf, as mankind and
its religions like to reason it to be. Living lives of un-accountability - because someone else did the sin work for them!
It does not matter how you think about it or
manipulate it, there is only one name for The Eternal Creator and only one
answer to the question that moves your soul from this dimension forward on its
eternal journey. It must be concluded therefore that as eluded to at the
beginning, “Treat all living beings as you would have them treat you, and love the
Creator with all you are” as nothing less than being the fulfillment of who we are - the Macrocosm of The Eternal Creator! “I AM YOU!”
Again, it is very simple to see now why
it would be in the dark sides’ great interest to hide, mislead, and totally
control all viable sources of ancient knowledge.
The overall idea my friend is
discussing here with me has of course been coined, “reincarnation”,
although in most cases within Westernized religious sects, still remains a completely misunderstood and opposed concept. Which is odd since it is verified that the early Christian fathers believed to be a true concept.
What of those
souls who learned and know the correct answer? My friend then instructs me that those, and
unfortunately very few enlightened, wise, learned souls who are able to answer
the question correctly, are the few who are allowed to proceed past this three
dimensional existence, cleared to move further on in their great journey – “I
Now, please do NOT misunderstand or
connect any of this with the New Age religions of today who believe themselves
to be individual gods in their own right.
None of us alive know what the
enlightened soul will eventually be allowed to become or be allowed to have
influence over. Maybe we become the “our” expressed in Genesis chapter
one’s 6th day – “In [our] image.” Since we know as fact, even via our own
redacted Hebrew text, that He is a creator who creates life continually, as
it is His profession, and not just one time as Christians believe He
has done with only this creation. Unfortunately the original language of the
text and its proper translation does matter!
Then as I expressed earlier, The
Eternal has His previously created beings, which were also made in His image,
either witnessing each creation with Him or aiding Him. Thus, if there can be
any proof of our souls being reunited with Him, and thus becoming co-helpers
in His creative processes, then that is all we can and should infer at this
time. NOT that we will be gods in our own right, or by our own power as many
New Agers tend to tout.
The main issue continues to be, that
such like minded New Age followers continue to teach such ridiculous
misunderstandings of their own, allowing the larger worlds religious cults like
Christianity, the Messianic sects, Judaism, and Islam to throw out the baby
with the brain matter the instant anyone even begins to touch on such a topic.
As I have expressed so many times in my
“if I never had another piece of
verifiable information to prove the Eternal One’s true name for us to know and
use, but only that of knowing how hard so many religionists and other leaders
have worked to keep this one name hidden away from everyone, that would be all
the proof I would personally need to know its truth.”
Good news is I have had an abundance of
proofs, both textural and cultural to back up what I already knew as absolute
truth. That truth of His name, as I feel it is with this new possibility, can be
relied on as such because of its sheer simplicity and overall connection to
all the rest we know about The Eternal’s true name and character.
WHO ARE YOU is a pretty darn simple
question on its face, however, as you now know, for most souls it has, and will
continue to take many cycles through this mill before they find and know it. So,
how many times will it take for them to know when to use it?
With most people there appears to be no absolute truth or morality;
people can justify
anything with the clever application of words….
Their New-Age
idea of your next perfect body!
Remember, science
fiction is only science yet unrealized
Aheyeh ata© Copyright 2012-13
Dr. Shmuel Asher
No portion of this document may
be reproduced or published anywhere else
without prior written
permission of the publisher and in no case for profit.
Excellent article. I enjoy it more every time I read it. Thank you.
Still need to digest this!
LOL.... if that was too much, wait until you read Soul Revolution.. Providing you do.
Well done Doctor Asher. Thank you so much for sharing these important realizations with us.
Good stuff, as usual, my friend!
Very interesting read. Prior to reading your article, I would have answered something along the line of "I am a spark of consciousness from the Source, making the experience of life so the Source can know itself (along the experiences of all other innumerable sparks of consciousness)". I remember that a long time ago I once thought that the meaning of life, the answer to the question "why do we exist at all", probably had to be "we are the mirror on which God sees Him/Herself". And strangely, as I thought this, it was like some unknown entity spoke to me telepathically, saying "Nice that you discovered it by yourself". Anyway, I guess that reading your article however cannot be used to cheat at the final exam. I guess that you can't answer "Hehe, I remember I read the answer on a blog some years ago, okay here it is: I am You!". I guess you would have to have realized it on a true spiritual level while alive.
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