Monday, February 20, 2017

Blood over Intent!

Archon Deceivers of CONSENT!

There is one hell of an insane ritual being disseminated around somewhat recently that appears to be growing in ignorant "drone" followers called "Blood over Intent."  For those who have learned from me directly or read my books, this demonic blood sacrifice ritual is easy to spot and ignore. However, there still seem to me many who have learned and reached a point of understanding and wisdom concerning the Eternal's original agreement with all souls, but who also continue to seek other alleged, possibilities. Of course, I have always warned against such futile activity, especially when people tend to mingle the false with the minimal but substantial truths they have finally been made aware of. This ancient demonic blood ritual that is now being passed off as something new and powerful, of course, should be avoided at all costs. 

Someone just resent this TV series excerpt link to me today - (Below). I have seen it before and also sent it around some years ago. Here it is again for those who may have missed it, and to remind the rest of our grave situation with the evil usurpers of this creation space.  

Listen to the dialog carefully, because they have in many such shows and science articles, been overtly telling all souls who will hear exactly what they have been doing to us and will continue to do with us. That is until we finally learn to UN-Consent via the Everlasting Agreement.

 And I will continue to point out that every soul who "returns" from their deviation of the Everlasting Agreement in life, should NOT in death, be subject to this Archon interaction at all. I will also point out as I did in the new book Soul Revolution, that most people/souls in death are NOT given a choice, much less a conversation leading them to consent as we see happening here in this TV show excerpt.

So then, I ask since this TV show was made LONG before anyone on earth became reminded of the Everlasting Agreement and provided the detail concerning HOW to return; 

  • Then why does this TV show excerpt depict the "consent" conversation at all?
  •  And why does the fallen one allow her to win and not just pull her through to their false reality matrix?  
  • WHY are they showing her to have a choice?  

Well, here is my answer for what it's worth. And for those who followed the StarTrek series, you will already know this: 

The short answer is; everyone depicted in all Star Trek shows to this day have always been depicted as "Vegetarians". In fact, several shows among the various Star Trek series have made it a point to say exactly that. Therefore, Captain Janeway, in this excerpt, had already been "mechanically" keeping the Everlasting Agreement since birth, since the human culture on this point had long changed. Therefore, the elite sycophants of the Fallen usurpers were commanded to provide this TV depiction of her soul being gently led to consenting, to entering, but not by force. 

Also for what it is worth I will point out again, that all those who FIND and CONSENT to following the Eternal One's Everlasting Agreement in life while they still have the chance to choose to remain against it, will bypass the stage depicted in this show excerpt, and be returned directly home.

Also as I point out in Soul Revolution, there are many people alive today who have died and had that exact experience of bypassing the Archon system and being returned directly back to their source Eternal. 

So, this is a good reminder of that if you are one of the many who continue to skirt the edge of living within the simple and mercy based confines of the Eternal One's Everlasting Agreement. 

I am not often caught quoting the Muslim prophet Muhammed, but in the case of our current situation with the souls of humanity and where it all appears to be going at a quickening pace, I have to say, very few if any words can quantify how all souls should be in regards to The Eternal One and His simple instructions to all living souls:

"Life is but a moment, so make yours and obedient moment." 

In case you missed it, here is the only book on the planet that reiterates and teaches about this eternal agreement: "The Land of MEAT & Honey - 2012"

Star Trek TV Series Excerpt

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Creator & Soul - Tree of Life

Hebrew letter ( ל )-Lamedh = 12!

The number twelve is significant. We have twelve hour divisions, twelve tribes, twelve zodiac signs, even twelve apostles. In all cases, the twelve parts form a circle – (Not a sphere). The “circumference” that encapsulates all existence

The channel of Light – Is the “Ain Soph Aur” = (Limitless) – (Beyond which all that is and is not); it emerges from the “absolute” and flows throughout our inner “Tree of Life” making all connection through our Trinity-6 physicality to our living-soul. The make-up and shape of the Hebrew letter “Lamedh” represents all of that.

The “Ain Soph Aur”, is our “spiritual tether” back to the eternity of our Creator Source, and the shape of the Lamedh depicts this exactly. The Greeks called this “The Christ”. That is why in the Hebrew which long predates the Greeks, this is called Yehshua! Because the word/name Yehshua, means - “savior.” That Ain Soph light can only save us by our CONSENTING to RETURN - TESHUVAH, by us finally acquiescing to the original path, absorbing it, incarnating it, and REFLECTING the Creator’s true character out from us. AND, the only way it can “incarnate in us” is through the superior path. That path is VERY revolutionary and VERY simple, BUT also highly demanding socially within this fallen realm. However, all of that is precisely why it is, always has been, and always will be the ONLY original path back to our Source, and why it is the only path which has the ability to radically transform every atom of light within us.

The full spelling of the letter Lamedh למד - (Lamedh-mem-dalet) is also read as a short phrase - “a heart that understands knowledge” - lev meivin da’at.  This Hebrew word Lamedh means “to learn & to teach.” But the top of the letter Lamedh is crowed by the letter “Yud”, which depicts the seed of wisdom. The ancient truth surrounding the form of the letter Lamedh, is the soul ascending to search and comprehend the top of wisdom, the Divine insight which is depicted as the High-Tower situated at the top of the letter Lamedh – “Yud”. The ancient Hebrew sages refer to this letter as, “a tower soaring into the heights”, and of all the meanings set across the spectrum of Hebrew letters, the Lamedh is most special, as it represents our power to ascend! Can it also be the most ancient reference back to the high tower at Babel? Where knowledge was void of wisdom?
Most people tend to think that our ascension is achieved via the intellect alone, but that is false. Ideas, theories and intellect alone cannot change anything. There is only one true and original path back to that light source, and there is only ONE Sin keeping all from achieving it. The change through understanding comes through the heart/soul which senses all wisdom. Intellectual knowledge is concept alone. When one looks at the ancient “Tree of Life” outline, we see “Real knowledge” depicted as - (Daath) directly in its center, or “heart-soul” position. THIS level of knowledge + Wisdom coupled together, is the power of God. (Refer to picture above)

Do we have power over ourselves? Our minds? Most do not. Most are controlled by ego. Are most able to close their eyes and find quiet? Do most people REFLECT the Character of The Eternal One within? Are “all” of the thoughts and feelings in you reflecting outwards from your soul and mind, of The Eternal One?  Are all the thoughts and “intentions” coming from you consistently - (Love & Mercy?) No, in that darkness what most people see and hear is the chaos and conflict of voices, ideas and desires. Most are confused at their soul level which culminates in a perpetual psychological battle. A pure mess! Thus, The Character of The Eternal Source Creator is not being reflected towards the world and Him, because it is not there, UN-assimilated! Most remain uninhabited by divinity, which is proven by how most remain inhabited by pure animalistic natures. THIS is absolutely proven out by how most hu-man’s hunt other hu-man’s and animals in various ways and means for sport, food and war set forth and prepared by others they know nothing of. Hardly giving any of it a second thought most days. THIS is absolute proof of souls who are nowhere near the point of ascension. 

Lamedh is the only Hebrew letter that ascends above the top line of all Hebrew letters. Transcending all other letter forms and meanings, it ultimately depicts our path back to the Creator Source that we consented to leave, long ago. His original path as depicted by his minimal and absolute law of Freewill, as projected outward in the form of His Everlasting Agreement!

All else is chatter and folly…

S. Asher   ©2016

Enoch's Light - Advanced book chapters

New Enoch book advanced chapters: